Challenge: Voice of the Moon

When Ari walked outside, the sky was dark - as black as pitch. Lifting her eyes upwards to an opening of soft night, she marvelled at how vast it made her spirit feel. Millions of twinkling lights faceted the sky like a black jewel... and she was privy to them all. How exceptionally special she felt, that she, a mere child, could stare into the face of the universe, and be lucky enough to see all its treasures!

Treading along the shadowed grasses, beneath the limbs of sillohette-draped trees, Ari gazed on as the night world woke: bats whispered through the air, drawing it upwards, sharply, above her head. The grass seemed to creak and crack when she stepped on it, and when a breeze stirred through the trees, they shook their leaves like tiny tamborines. In the silence of the darkness, every inaudible sound suddenly grew!
She walked for a short while longer, hearing crickets play music far off. Somewhere below her, a frog drew a deep, creaking sound from its throat, and above, a startled bird replied with a shriek! Then she stopped.

At the edge of the tree-canopy, white light glowed. Thrilled, Ari glided towards it. She emerged from the trees and let the laughter warming up inside her dance out, into the air! Not white, but silver light gleamed all around! The leaves were coated with its glow, and the grasses were painted metallically. Even the air seemed packed with the colour of the light. Beaming down at Ari, was the Moon. She smiled back, a giggle still twirling across her lips. There was nothing more serene than that shining orb, Ari had thought. Nothing more peaceful, or beautiful, or perfect. The Moon was rounded and full, with shadows running like lace across her face. She held Ari entranced, and Ari could do no more than simply admire... And then she listened. From the path of the silver glow, the faintest sound of bells began to tinkle. Light, and dainty, they chimed, floating down towards her. Their sound was sweet, and gentle, like soft, cool dew on an awakening flower. Closing around her statuesque face, the bells swayed, swelling and falling... swelling and falling... A pleasent hum of soprano notes sailed in, joining the tinkling bells. The notes split into a harmony - calm and peace ringing through the chord. Ari felt her heart speed within her chest. A breeze swayed her skirt, and dew seeped through her shoes, but her body was caught, and held so gently in the hand of silver light. The music filled her with a awe and inspiration, with a rising excitement as words began to grow. Behind them, a voice was light, with whispered words - words that brimmed with wisdom, and patience. Love, belief...and possibility!
The moons face, all lace-covered and smiling, was speaking down to her.


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