
The first rains have fallen.

They were announced by lightning, thunder and hail. Not gentle drizzel, or silently sigh, as a fairy to a folding flower...but strong, and powerful like the force of a scorned womens rage! Lightning flickered first, illuminating the pregnant sky in white. The clouds were heavy and dark, folded bundles of grey, and from them roared the thunder: Deep, dangerous and growing. The tension stirred and a seasons worth of pent-up cold fell to ground. Frozen balls of ice shot against the windows, and smacked across the roof. It cracked with rage and threatened the people below. Bang!-Crack!-Bang!-Crack!-Booom-Booom-Crack!
The forces deafened all ears whist they battled on in the sky.
And then...

The anger had broken. All throughout, the sky began to calm, and spirits of the rain began to fly. They soared, and glided: through the air, over the clouds, and right down to the ground, where they dropped like tiny, liquid gems into a parched Africa.
The downpour shushed, and soothed the storm. She dimmed its incessent lightning, and silenced its grumbling complaints. Even the hail stopped to watch her as she danced, unperterbed, through its curtains of ice.

Shimmering droplets fell through the sky. They transformed the world into a hazy painting wherein lights blurred, and children squashed their faces against glass windows to watch the stormy clouds swirl and empty. In muddy holes in the ground, earthworms oozed and slid along their slick tunnels, and all across this Southern land, creatures danced and rejoiced! There was no more waiting now. Only relief and gratitude, and joy.

The first rains have finally fallen.


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