Heaven in a Flower...

I am a Scientist. I like learning about the mechanics of nature. How is a flower constructed? What shapes the clouds in the Atmosphere? How is the Earth molded and formed by the simplest forces of nature that seem to require no energy input from machines or electricity - only years of patience and dedication. Lately, I've even been becoming more fascinated by the working of physics, and how, often invisible forces seem to guide our everyday existence.

But I am also a Dreamer. I love imagining the tiny wind fairies that skate and ski along the air currents, pulling strings of droplets along behind them in formation to create the most wonderful mosaics in the sky! And mermaids! How magnificent it must be for them to sing to the Sea all day - diving, in and out of her waters, dancing through her currents and all the while feeling the great waters around them glide and thrust! ...glide and thrust! to the sound of their music. And then at night, to lull the ocean back into slumber, with the gentle, echoing sounds of their night-lullabyes... I can see them now in my minds eye... perched on rocks and illuminated by the silver moonlight - shining against the darkness. Their lives so peaceful and calm...in rythm with the slow, powerful heartbeat of the tides...

I am aware that these two reflections of my life may seem contradictory. But in fact they mostly seem to complement each other beautifully! Science provides the disciplined organisation, and hard-edged facts that are so necessary for the succesful functioning of life. Whereas Fantasy offers possibility, hope, and a zest for Living!

In the same breath...it leads a way for belief. Belief in myself. Belief in a world within nature that is so unfamiliar and untouched even though almost every part of our Land is inhabited by Humans. And thus it also part the waters for the belief in something so much bigger than me. An essence that is always there - that has always been there...and that will always be there. Much like atoms from the "Big Bang!"...or...J.M Barry's fairies...or God. And, if I must choose either not believing in something that only might exist, or believing in it wholeheartedly... I'd rather choose to give it a chance. Because, in Life, in Nature... on Earth... every living thing - no matter how small or unlikely - deserves an oppertunity to show its worth. And sometimes, it just needs our belief in it, to offer it the moment...


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