Spring, the Princess...

A whisper wakes the wind. In the night, it lifts slowly, then floats, and suddenly soars into the sky. High above, the impenetrable night glistens with stars, and lightly the wind begins to fly - it is alive! For so long, it lay asleep. But now a call to wake has come, and so it glides, gently - silently, through the abandoned midnight air.
From behind, a giggle echoes. The wind falters, then swerves and turns to see a smiling maiden flit along the air currents. She trails flowers, and eminates light. Her face is filled with freedom! She is absolute beauty! The wind is enchanted, and finds itself floating towards her, whisking and whirling around her as she dances and laughs, and sparkles warmth and radiance! Its princess has come - and the wind knows she will lead him, and the world, into Light! The wind dances with her, spinning around her dress, lifting her hair, and swinging her through the sky...catching her in its billows and blasts. All the while, the maiden smiles - and spreads her magic through the sky!

Down below, the world still sleeps. Winter has left the ground hard, and cold. Nothing moves. Nothing scurries. Nothing happens. The maiden looks towards the icy earth, and her eyes light with a glow of purest delight! She dives, pulling the wind along behind her like a robe, and sweeping through the air as if on the wings of a mighty owl. In her wake, warmth eddies into the midnight sky, melting its composure to the cooler, bluer shades of the lightening dawn. The Princess, Spring, is here!

All of a sudden, the world holds it breath. No heart beats, and a final cold grasp tries to stake its claim over the already frozen world. But then, out of the silence a girl laughs delightfully. The icy heart of winter is frightened - dashing away - tripping and tumbling as the young maiden skips down towards the earth. And then she steps. Her toe touching the ice-gripped soil sends a friendly warmth seeping in through the ground. The world begins to thaw, as Spring perrouettes across it. Flowers rise in her step, creatures wake, and rejoice! They smile, and fly, and dance and prance! Colour reflects the rising sun and the air sparkles with pinks, and oranges and hues of gold and sprightly green! Life has returned!

Spring dances across the icy earth, chasing away the cold of winter. Her light pushes back the shadows, and her warmth beckons all to wake. Her laughter thaws the coldest of hearts. Her love gives hope to all who feel.
Spring, the Princess, is here.


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