Challenge: A Swan Princess

Her hair was the colour of fallen Autumn, with a kiss from the golden sun for warmth. It hung against her creamy white skin, curtaining her face - so splendid and kind. Her features were enchanting...and beautiful. Pure and innocent. The nude pink of her lips smiled back: a pretty, and quiet smile that stopped a persons wandering eyes. Caught them, and held them entranced for a moment just long enough, as their hearts faltered and tripped.

Her ice-blue eyes, like frozen skies, were framed in the softest of lashes. With a blink, their sweeping feathers would brush across two rosy-hued cheeks, seemingly lit from within.

Beneath her picture-face, her body stood strong and lean. Two legs, long and lithe, were shaped to carry, to RUN! She flowed with grace. Tall and serene; unhurried, and unperterbed. She responded only to the sound of her own heart - making no attempts to rush the passing the minutes. Living to the last second of each moment as it passed on as surely as it would.

With no uncertainty, she was a creature of ethereal grace - a goddess in her own right. Her magic rose not from some wizardry, or wand, but from her own spirits power, within. The enchantment glowed from her eyes, her smile, her skin. It powered through her legs and her own lithe movements as she sifted through trees. It shone from her heart, and reflected against the cold, hardened skin of the people she passed, warming them and melting their indifference until their sadness thawed...and instead happiness flowed free.

She was a swan, drifting in the moons silver light. Unexpecting. Unjudging. But waiting, and watching...and living.


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