A gem at daybreak

It's rare that I'd find myself on varsity campus so early on a Winters morning with no class to be at immediatly. Usually I'm only here rushing about from venue to venue, or, having arrived for a midday class, caught up in the current of students scrambling around with only one thing in mind: studies.

But, this morning I'm here before the masses. Groundstaff are still sweeping up the dead leaves, and only a few students are starting to walk along the grounds. It's strangely peaceful, and beautiful - two words I've hardly ever been able to use to describe my campus. The sunshine is still gentle and it has turned the grass to a spring green; and hadedas lurch across it to dig their long bills deep into moist its ground. Birds can still be heard twittering busily and joyfully as they swoop from nest, to tree and back again. And somewhere amidst the proud concrete buildings, there's a family of geese hooting in the morning air.

Its rare that I'd find myslef on a bench in the university grounds so early on a winters morning with nothing to do but appreciate our campuses beauty; but the rarety has made the splendour of this morning so much more.


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