
So, as you can see, Winter has finally arrived in South Africa. Technically, it was supposed to be here more than a while ago, but it only managed to pull across our southern skies yesterday morning. Temperatures plummeted from a very confused 25 degrees celcius, to a shivering 17, and finally today, we're riding at an icy 12 degrees. Rooves of cars parked outside were coated in a fine dusting of ice when I stepped out this morning. It's really cold, and people everywhere are dressed in coats, beanies, scarves, boots... the works! I must confess, I'm loving it. Winter just isn't winter without some frost lacing the grass, or a thin film of ice lying across the surfaces of bird baths!
At last, the energies of the season feel right again,  and the Earth can get some rest before the New Spring arrives. Oh, and of course! This means lots of hot chocolate, and woolen jerseys for me!


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