Own kinda crazy...

Isn't it wonderful how comforting family can be? Of course, there are moments when they drive you insane. Times when you literally just want to crawl under the bed and wish yourself into Wonderland just to be surrounded by creatures that are more normal than those you call Your Parents. But, when the day's been rough and long, and school just seems to be a never-ending road of playing catch-up and drama, I find it pleasant knowing that a totally different crazy awaits me at home...

Walking into the house, the first sounds I hear are the high-pitched ramblings of my mother immitating my dog, Kabous - as if she could speak.
"Ouma! Ek sien alles! Daai Ilonka-kind sit die hele dag en doen niks!" *
Then my mum replies, once again as herself.
"Ja, Kabous. Ek se maar net niks..."*. She shakes her head at the gossip our puppy just delivered. Then Andre (my mothers Casanova) steps in through the kitchen door. His hair is shaded in a rainbow of greys, and a thick moustach crawls over his top lip. After swinging a kiss onto my mum, he looks down at Kabous and greets her as she stares back at him with hungry, pitiful eyes. Her own lips seem to droop even lower when Andre offers no tantalising bone, but instead flicks an airborne kiss at her with a purse of his lips. He looks like a Guppy sucking for food at the surface of a pond, and Kabous is not impressed.
I walk into the kitchen then, and greet everyone, plonking a big kiss on my puppy's head. After being offered several types of Rose wine, and satiating Kabouses huunger with a meal of her own, its finally time to settle into preparing our dinner. We also use this time to chat (or rant) about our own day.
Now, the beautiful thing between my mother and her Lover, is that, no matter how awful, or unmemorable my mums day was, Andre always finds a way to make her feel that she was 100% right. Every argument that she encountered, Andre is right behind her in her opinion. If somebody didn't do their job and it affects my mum, Andre brings his sword of righteousness and helps prepare her for battle! He doesn't just offer her his comfort and support, he thrusts it onto her and ensures that she feels safe and strong with him at her side.
As we sit down to eat, the usual chaos around the table ensues. Our parrot insists that he should be dining at the table with us, and walks around with his inward-pointed toes nibbling at everyones dinner except for his own. Kabous drops her salivating head onto Andre's clean, black trousers, ensuring that he doesn't have to worry about folding them away tonight - they can just go straight into the wash. And once more, my mother answers a high pitched question that must have stemmed somewhere from Kabouses mind.

I shake my head at the craziness before me. But I wouldn't have it any other way. Because when life throws its challenges and obstacles in your path, sometimes you need a little crazy to overcome them!

(*"Granny! I see everything! That Ilonka-child sits the whole day doing nothing!")
(*"Yes, Kabous, I'm just not gonna say anything...")


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