A Conciousness of Land

This is my Land – the place where my Heart belongs. No other Soil knows my pain – no other Wind knows my sadness. The Waters are my friends – their ebb and flow the pulse of my Heart. 

The heat of Summer, a fire across my skin…and Winters ice – a frozen hand over my body. In Autumn, the happy, melancholy dance of promised sleep…and with Spring…Hope.

Hope in the bloom. Hope in the skies. Hope in the face of The New Born.

The people here share my rhythm. Their smiles lift at the same pride…their faces fall at the same sorrow. Joyful, we each dance to our individual songs…but as one, we sway to the same beat.
Smiles, laughter, tears, and love, paint the walls of my Lands skies. White and fluffy pictures speed, ever changing, across the wide expanse of blue. And as we point to stars – silver brail in the blind of night – we see our stories written in the air. The stories of past, the records of now, and tales of what is yet to be.
This is my Land – the place where my Heart belongs. It lives for me. It dies for me. It remembers me. The Soils feed and strengthen these children of ours. The Wind sings her lullabies to the frightened and the weak. The Water plays and tugs, and cleanses us with her pure embrace. This Land knows of the Love we share for it. It is sung of in the songs of our ancestors, and written about in the caves that hide throughout. It is spoken of by the innocent child who plays in the nurturing gardens of our humble homes. 

This is my Land - the home that my Heart loves. Where beauty thrives, and peace lies ever waiting on the horizon. It is where my ancestors walked over mountains, and through fields, in search of homes, and safety. Where my forefathers tilled the soil with bare hands, and determined faces. It is where I was born - where my memories play, like children, in the streets and parks of the city.

This is my Land. It is my Hope. It is my Dream. It is my Love. It is Forever.


  1. "This is my Land. It is my Hope. It is my Dream. It is my Love. It is Forever"!

    Powerful words to often we forget! Perfect Appreciotism! :)


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