Aloe and Crumb - feisty adventurers

‘I’ll be back soon, Tortoise!’

Crumb called as he stumbled back into the garden. Their dinner guest pushed his wrinkled neck out from under his shell, and nodded once.

The light was already starting to fade, and still Aloe was not home. Back on his two hind legs, Crumb marched through the tall proteas. He smacked his front paws together, flicking the sand away. Running on all fours might have been quicker, but it wasn’t nearly as satisfying as stomping. Oh, where was Aloe now? For all Crumb knew she wasn’t even in the garden anymore! And he’d made such a lovely dinner…

‘Aloe!’ Crumb called, his whiskers bristling.

Up, and up the bank Crumb stomped, until a twinkle above caught his eye. At the very top of the old, burnt tree, where its blackened branches poked through the new proteas, the faery sat watching the last of the sun set. Crumb shook his head. He should have known this is where she’d be.

‘I’ve been wondering where you were, Crumb!’ Aloe said when he’d clambered up beside her. ‘The sunset is so beautiful tonight – just look!’ Aloe pointed at the watercolour mix of blues above them; from the golden, white burn that still shimmered on the mountain line, rose-pink and lilac fingers spread into the blue.

‘I knew you’d find me,’ said Aloe, as Crumb wrapped his tail around her and hugged her tight.


Hidden in the dark sky behind them, an owl watched the mouse and the faery, and let out a hungry hoot.


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